Wednesday, August 31, 2011

EuroStage – What is it?

This blog started as a complement of the Portuguese blog “Rock On”, a blog (in Portuguese) that works as a center of all information about music, such as new albums, music videos, concerts…
EuroStage is a blog where you can “travel” through Europe, trying to find out the best bands from every country.

The idea of starting this blog popped up in my head because I’m one of those persons who enjoy spending a lot of time listening music and trying to find out new bands! But, to materialize it, I realized I would have to define which nationalities I would choose and, harder than that, how would I choose them.
So, as I’m Portuguese and Europe is my favorite continent, I thought that trying to finding out bands from all European countries it would be an interesting challenge for me. It’s also a good way to improve my knowledge about others countries’s cultures.
I will choose a country each week, and speak about five bands of that country. However, it’s possible that some countries (considering the amount of bands existent or their quality), for example, UK, may have more than 5 bands. The opposite may also happen.

The goal is to “travel” through 45 countries highlighting a medium of 225 bands!
During almost a year, this blog will be a great excuse to listen music and finding out new bands from all over the Europe.
Please, feel free to participate giving your opinion about the countries, the bands and suggesting new ones!
The starting point will be Portugal! On the next Monday, the first Portuguese band will be released…
Let the journey begin…

Nations such as Liechtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, and Vaticano will not be included. I do apologize for that.